All A’s: Four proven strategies to Managing Stress and anxiety
Stress is something that affects us all, but how we deal with it can make a world of difference. The four As of stress management— avoid, alter, accept and adapt — are essential tools for managing stress in our lives.
With these strategies developed by the Mayo Clinic in hand, you can turn stressful situations into opportunities to learn and grow. So don't let stress get the best of you; use these four As to manage your stress and live life to its fullest!
Avoiding unnecessary stressors with healthy boundaries (saying no is ok) and with good self-management.
Altering a difficult situation can also be helpful; think of it as a way to make the best out of a bad situation.
Adapting to stressors usually means changing the way you think of about a situation so your response is healthier.
Finally, Accepting stressors of that which you cannot change can bring order within you as you navigate the chaos around you.
Avoid (Prevent, really)
When I say to avoid a stressor, I don't mean avoid life or avoid hard things in life. I do mean that when you think about it, so much of what stresses us out is self-inflicted.
You can avoid the stress of a morning rush by going to bed on time and waking up on time. You can avoid the stress of toxic people with healthy boundaries on your time.
You avoid the stress you prevent.
When it comes to managing stress, altering a difficult situation can be one of the most useful strategies. This involves looking at a stressful situation and taking steps to make it more manageable.
For example, if you're having trouble with a work project, you could ask your boss if you can adjust the timeline or get help from a colleague. Or, if you're struggling to make ends meet, you could alter your spending habits or look for ways to increase your income.
Adapting to stressors usually means changing the way you think about a situation so your response is healthier. For example, if you're going through a difficult time at work, you could choose to focus on the things you can control such as your attitude and effort or look for ways to make a positive impact instead of feeling overwhelmed by the situation.
Accepting stressors is about accepting that not all things in life are within our control and learning to be OK with that. Accepting the stressors of life doesn't mean giving up on our dreams or resigning ourselves to misery; it means giving ourselves permission to move forward without feeling overwhelmed by circumstances beyond our control.
The four As of stress management — avoid, alter, accept and adapt — are essential tools for managing stress in our lives. With these strategies in hand, you can turn stressful situations into opportunities to learn and grow.
However, it can be difficult to adjust to a new way of thinking or to know the right steps to take in order to effectively manage the stress in your life.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or struggling with managing your stress, reach out to a professional for assistance.
With the help of a licensed therapist like me, you can learn how to better cope with stress and create healthy habits that will lead to long-term success.
Call me now for your free 15-minute consultation or click on the button below to schedule that time.